Saturday, January 24, 2009

Trust and Teams

My leadership team (preschool director, treasurer, office manager, buildings and grounds, children's minister, and I) and I are reading  Trust and Teams by Jane Fryar (a quick read, very concise and packs a punch!).  

As a part of drilling home chapter one, I came up with this exercise that bonded us tighter as a team:

1. Does ___(fill in team member name)____ have:

-my best interests at heart?

no way! 0 - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 yuppers! 100%

-my church's best interest at heart?

no way! 0 - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 yuppers! 100%

After each team member filled this out for each person on the the team, the next question was asked:

2. What is (1) action/behavior that ____(fill in team member name)_____ might be able to do to build your trust in them?

Each team member shared their perspective on what the other person might be able to do to build trust with them.  As the team member spoke, the other person couldn't react or say anything in defense, right or wrong.  This was an opportunity to hear each other give constructive criticism and be able to hear and feel how fellow team members view each other.

So what did my team members say that I could do to build their trust in me?  Read on...

> "continue to help me (team-member) prepare presentations so I (team-member) look good when making them"

> "continue to care, listen and allow me to make mistakes"

> "communicate more clearly the picture of where we're going: share your vision and plans (I feel like we're on a boat adrift in the sea)"

> "let me know what your schedule looks like so I can 'cover' for you"

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