Saturday, April 30, 2011

Birmingham AL area recovery efforts

Many people were affected by the destruction from last week's storms. We can do our part and help make a difference in peoples' lives by helping meet basic needs.

Our church will collect the items below and send them to our sister church Good Shepherd Lutheran Church in Gardendale, AL

Drop off these items at Trinity Lutheran Church, Columbia TN (google map)

* Hand Sanitizer
* Wet Naps
* Gallon-sized Zip Loc Bags
* Aluminum foil
* Batteries (AA, C, D)
* non-perishable food
* paper products (towels, toilet paper, paper plates)
* plastic silverware
* large cardboard boxes to ship these items.

If you have any questions call 931-388-0790.
Thanks for making a difference!

Monday, April 25, 2011

Church Unique Visual Summary

Will Mancini's team Auxano changes everything about church vision and strategy.  The book "Church Unique", their coaching network "Co:Lab" and the blog are great tools to live out a stunningly unique movement-oriented church.

Our church has a concise, clear and compelling vision statement as well as values, strategy and measures.  All of this was developed in a collaborative way (more than 30 different and unique people spoke into the process in some significant way!).  We discovered our unique God-given imprint for the Columbia, TN community and now we are working on living out our church-unique in a better way!

Mancini just released a Visual Summary of the Church Unique content and process. Check it out: (Part 4 is my fav section)