Friday, May 6, 2011

My Burden is Light

Last week, I attended EXPONENTIAL.  This is the largest gathering of church planters (over 4,000!!!) where there are over 100 national speakers and 100+ workshops to inspire and share "best practices" for connecting the church to the community.

In the days ahead, I'll post my notes and thoughts about my experience.  The first one is below...

The first experience I had was to listen to Francis Chan talk about the transitions in his life.  

* Francis Chan talked about the weight and pressure pastors have to "bring it" every day.  He summarized the pressure pastors have in this one sentence: 

"There is never not a time when you have an answer."

That's a lot of pressure to have all the answers all the time!  He freed me up by reminding me that the pressure doesn't come from other people: we put it on ourselves.  To put everything in the right perspective, Chan reminded me to "Be real" and continually pray: "Give me a love for these people."

PS. - I was challenged by the fact that 40% of the earth's population (India and China) laughs at our version of Christianity.

After hearing Chan's struggles and ponderings, I was off to hear Kem Meyer, author of Less Clutter, Less Noise to find out better ways to communicate...