Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Performance Reviews

I used a very helpful tool that I picked up from the Catalyst conference and read about in the book Growing an Engaged Church by Albert Winseman.

When I reviewed my leadership team, I asked them to respond to these 12 questions to get at core leadership issues for 2009:

1. I know what's expected of me.

2. My spiritual needs are met.

3. I regularly have the opportunity to do what I do best.

4. In the last month, I have received recognition or praise.

5. The leaders in the congregation seem to care about me as a person.

6. There is someone in my congregation who encourages my spiritual development.

7. My opinions seem to count.

8. The mission/vision of my church makes me feel important.

9. The other members of my team are committed to spiritual growth.

10. I have a best friend at church.

11. In the last 6 months, someone has talked to me about the progress of my spiritual growth.

12. I have opportunities to learn and grow.

This produced very fruitful conversation and gave me the insights I needed to help move my team forward.  The areas that are lacking for us are: having a best friend at church and someone checking in on spiritual growth.  This means that I need to be more intentional about developing relationships among our team and in a broad way, helping our church develop relationships with other people.

If you lead a team of people, I hope that these questions might help you.  Of course, you can adjust these to fit any context besides the church-world.

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