(I've been praying long and hard about this recent news and how to apply it to my pastoral leadership style...sry it took so long to post...enjoy!)
Check out this announcement. This pastor started this church in Virginia Beach and is making an announcement that he's leaving to start another church in Las Vegas.
2 thoughts:
1) This announcement made me look at my leadership style. For Vince, his gifts are to generate excitement, gather people together, start up a church and reach people that aren't in church. For me, my style is to take an already existing church and transform it to reach people that aren't in church (I just need to work on the 'excitement' part...I'm so task-oriented; it's sad, I know).
2) Vince isn't leaving his church. His church is SENDING him. What would our churches look like if we had that atmosphere in our DNA for them to see that they're not losing a Pastor but that they are sending him out in the mission field?
I've always seen this about any congregation member that leaves my church because of a job transfer or whatever situation it is. They aren't leaving our church; our church is sending them into the field. We'll miss them, but I would hope that we've equipped them for the mission field they're headed to.