A few weeks ago, I took my kids to the local art museum in Nashville called The Frist and had a wonderful time! (link below)
They are currently hosting a wonderful exhibit called: "Monet to Dali". Monet and Dali are two of my favorite painters and it was cool to see the originals. My favorite of Monet is "Haystacks" because of all the different views, colors and tones that Monet used to paint something as simple as haystacks. It is always refreshing to see the same object from many points of view.
You might think taking a 3 year old and a 5 year old was insane, but the girls actually did quite well. There was a children's area where you could paint in the same style that Monet painted in. It was a lot of fun! Sure they may have lasted only an hour, but they played with lots of colors, shapes and materials. I hope that I can instill in them an appreciation for art and to always tap into their creative juices.
I really enjoy art because it stimulates our eyes and minds to see beyond our own little self-created world. We get so caught up in "our way of doing things" and in maintaining our definition of what our world should look like. Art helps me realize that there's more around me than what I usually see.