We Lutherans always say that God is a God of order and we take that verse and justify to ourselves the intricate structure, elaborate traditions, the fancy manners that we make up in order to somehow think that we're pleasing God.
Whenever I see others rely on their traditions more than God, I read Genesis 1:1. Genesis 1 is cool. Before anything was created, there was nothing. And that can be a scary thing, right? Then God starts setting up shop and in 7 days creates everything. But that pre-first day is chaos. But it's a good chaos because God is in it.
Well, just when I thought things were going honky-dory, I'm slapped in the face with the reality that there's more bubbling under the surface than what I see. For those who don't know, our church is going through a revitalization (say that 5 times fast), or a transformation, so that our church reaches out into the community better.
Things are exciting with all the new possibilities and directions that we could go with certain areas: structure, interest groups, worship, etc. One day I get comments from someone that we're going in the right direction and the next day (literally) I get comments that it's all going to pot.
God is keeping me humble and no matter what the comments, I know His hand is in all this and that He will guide it the way He wants to. I compare a lot of uncertainty and unknown to that Genesis 1 pre-creation scene.
Sorry that this post sounds like a bit of venting, but I want to encourage you that no matter what you're doing: at your job, with your family, whatever; just remember that you're NOT the one in control: God is. And when it feel like it's chaos, disconnected, doesn't make sense, God is still in it.